Ethernet Multicomm Board

An easy UAV communications breakout payload interface solution. Control and interface multiple onboard cameras or payload systems, with a user accessible processor for communications interface, camera control, and power bus for payloads or base station interfaces. Interface between ethernet, multi-serial, SBUS, CAN, and power. Single external connector bus to multiple internal connectors. Develop your own software and/or leverage our expertise.


· Multiple communications and power interfaces for payloads / base station / UAS

· Powerful onboard user-accessible communications processor

· Compact size and weight


The Ethernet Multicomm board is a multi-purpose UAS development board which can be used as a bridge between datalinks (like our Picoradio and Picoradio MIMO NX series), payloads such as multiple camera systems, cooling systems, onboard processors, and base stations. It can be used as an interface between ethernet, multiple serial ports, SBUS, and/or CAN bus, along with internal payload power and cooling fan connections.

For example it could be used as the inner gimbal interface board for an onboard gimbal multi-camera payload (providing ethernet to camera control and video ethernet passthrough), as a base station interface between SBUS and ethernet, as a multi-serial interface for onboard payloads, and more.

User accessible programming using the standard Arduino IDE, and a powerful ATMEL communications processor. Dimensions: 51x43x9mm.